For configurator i use WritePropSet method of EAI XML Write to File business service. This method prints out the property set to a file on the siebel server. here is the code for the configurator:
var ps = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); var ps1 = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); GetCPInstance(ps); var bs = TheApplication().GetService("EAI XML Write to File"); var op = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); ps.SetProperty("FileName" , "C:\\temp.xml"); bs.InvokeMethod("WritePropSet", ps, op);similarly for business services and workflows we can have following snippet:
function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs) { var ps = Inputs.Copy(); var bs = TheApplication().GetService("EAI XML Write to File"); var op = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); ps.SetProperty("FileName" , "C:\\temp.xml"); bs.InvokeMethod("WritePropSet", ps, op); return (ContinueOperation); }
Above code can be use as code sniffer. Provided you use some naming sequence of the file.