Recently i attended a knowledge transfer session of EAI. I learn few thing, that i think are worth sharing. In this project all the interfaces were built on JMS queues, provided by TIBCO.
One must not get confused with TIBCO Integration platform and JMS. TIBCO is a provider that have two products, one with JMS queues and other with TIBCO propriety protocol.
I am listing the tasks that are required to setup JMS queues so that your workflow can send /receive messages from the JMS server.
Steps required for sending asynchronous messages
1. Install JRE on all the siebel servers that runs object mangers and policy components.
2. Collect Api in from or jar files from the provider of JMS and place it in a shared location
3. JNDI properties file (this file contains the location and credentials of the JMS sever)
typical JNDI file will look like:
java.naming.provider.url=tcp://ipaddress:port,tcp://fallback-ip address:port
4. Java Named subsystem (type JVMSubSys)this information provides link between Siebel and the Java installed in the system.
Thus it requires information of the Java API that is java.dll. Which was installed as a part of Step 1. And the location of the the jar files in the CLASSPATH parameter.Additionally for debugging purposses we can provide the log file path in VMOPTIONS parameter.
After this much configuration in siebel you can use the EAI JMS Trasport business service only to send messages accross the JMS server.(Dont forget to send queue information and credentials as arguments)
Coming up! Receiving messages from JMS server