Debugging Siebel eScript - Write Property Set to file

This is one of the tricks that i use to debug Siebel scripts. It is really useful if you are working on the product configurator. As most of the events in configurator have property set as argument to it, and there is no debug window to see runtime property values for the events.

How to see the SADMIN / SIEBEL password un-encrypted!

Today i have seen a very strange data in Siebel database that actually shouldn't be there just as a un-encrypted free text. I think people from Siebel Admin would know that which table i am talking about.

In-process reentrance is NOT supported for JMS, MSMQ and MQ Series transports

Process re-entrance refers to calling of same method of the business service again before the first call has not been completed.

How to change default location of logs on Siebel Server !

Location of Siebel Server logs is set while installation of the server. And most of the time Administrator keeps it to the default location i.e.. sea77\siebsrvr\logs directory. But sometimes the installation location of siebel server is kept on very small and faster disk drives to improve performance, thus there is no or very less space is left on the drive for the extended log levels.

Date functions in Siebel eScript

If you have worked on any date field then you would be knowing that some of the standard date functions are not available in Siebel escript, like converting date from one format to another, adding number of business days to a particular date, comparing two dates etc.,

Here are some methods built in eScript that perform these operations.

Case Insensitive Query in Siebel by using LIKE operator !

I think most of the readers would know how to perform an case insensitive search/query in Siebel. Those who don't read on!

Case insensitive query in Siebel means to query the database records using the LIKE operator in SQL. This type of SQL tends to be slow as they return more records than the equal (=) operator.

Get Workflow Instance Id from the process property value!

Workflow Instance monitor is one of the best out of the box debugging techniques available in Siebel. But this also lacks in some aspects.

As most of developer would know that there is no way in instance monitor view to identify the workflow instance for specific object id or process property value.

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