Sending email from eScript

Sending email updates from Siebel is quite easy, we just have to call Outbound Communication Manager, an OOB Business Service to trigger emails.

Get Attribute Value - Product Configurator

There is no method out of the box available in Siebel Product Configurator that can be used to get attribute value. For this one of my team member have written this code which traverses the product structure and return the attribute value as string.

Automatic login to Siebel thin client

While in development, I used to get bugged up by entering credentials every time application needs to be accessed. Out of frustration I have found way to bookmark the credentials in IE favorites so that it directly takes the user to application home screen.

Generate Random Number (Cont..)

In continuation of my earlier post , I am sharing another way of generating random number in siebel using  vanilla SIS OM PC Service.

SIS OM PC Service is a vanilla service which provides a method to get new system generated row id as output.
The output can be utilised to generate random number by calling RowIdToRowIdNum() in expression.


Step 1 : Service :SIS OM PC Service Method: Get Next RowId
Output: Next Row Id

Step 2: Service: Workflow Utilities
Output : Random Num [Type Expression] : RowIdToRowIdNum([&Next Row Id])

Thanks to Sebestian for sharing this.

Debugging Siebel eScript - Write Property Set to file

This is one of the tricks that i use to debug Siebel scripts. It is really useful if you are working on the product configurator. As most of the events in configurator have property set as argument to it, and there is no debug window to see runtime property values for the events.

How to see the SADMIN / SIEBEL password un-encrypted!

Today i have seen a very strange data in Siebel database that actually shouldn't be there just as a un-encrypted free text. I think people from Siebel Admin would know that which table i am talking about.

In-process reentrance is NOT supported for JMS, MSMQ and MQ Series transports

Process re-entrance refers to calling of same method of the business service again before the first call has not been completed.

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